The BAR should arrange for and conduct a pre-construction meeting with the prime contractor. BARs may include a project manager, project engineer, inspector, material testing...
Safety is the responsibility of every person on the project. The BAR and the contractor must both be vigilant to ensure safe working conditions and...
During the process of producing, hauling, and stockpiling materials, good quality control procedures require tests to: Proper sampling techniques must be followed for all materials. ...
Quality assurance during construction is a responsibility shared by the project inspector and the contractor. Elements of construction that should periodically be checked for compliance...
Opening slurry surfacing system applications to traffic is a function of the time it takes the emulsified asphalt to break and the mixture to cure. ...
Accuracy in quantity measurements is an essential part of inspection and agreement on the quantities requires a coordinated effort between the inspector and the contractor. ...
The inspector and contractor should cooperate to accomplish the following objectives: